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A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is an evidence-based fall prevention program designed for older adults.
My experience coaching A Matter of Balance has been one of the most immersive and difficult tasks I have taken on in my undergraduate career. Learning how to interact with patients and actually interacting with them are two very different things. I taught this course with two other undergraduate coaches as part of Clemson's Fall Prevention and Training Creative Inquiry. Spring 2022 was the first time this nationally-recognized program had ever been taught at Clemson.
My fellow coaches and I had no idea what to expect going into this program as it was a learning experience for both us and the participants. We held our 2 hour classes at OLLI, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and delivered the program to 7 participants ranging from the ages of 65 to 87. The program addresses not only the physical factors that contribute to falls, but also the mental factors including assertiveness, cognitive restructuring, and even the fear of falling itself.
I enjoyed delivering the program and interacting with the participants so much that I have committed to returning to the Creative Inquiry in Fall 2022 so serve as a mentor for a new generation of coaches who will continue to deliver the program in Clemson and the surrounding areas.

Demonstrating the exercises to our class.